/* jshint browser: true */ /* global bp, bpZoomMeetingCommonVars */ /* @version 1.0.0 */ window.bp = window.bp || {}; ( function( exports, $ ) { /** * [Zoom description] * * @type {Object} */ bp.Zoom_Common = { /** * [start description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ start: function () { this.setupGlobals(); // Listen to events ("Add hooks!"). this.addListeners(); }, /** * [setupGlobals description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ setupGlobals: function () { this.account_email_xhr = null; this.secret_token_xhr = null; this.credential_xhr = null; }, /** * [addListeners description] */ addListeners: function () { $( document ).on( 'change', '#bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-step-nav li > a, .bp-step-actions > span', this.bpStepsNavigate.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'keyup', this.zoomInstructionNavigate.bind( this ) ); if ( $( document ).find( '.bb-group-zoom-settings-container' ).length ) { $( document ).on( 'click', 'form#group-settings-form button.bb-save-settings', this.zoomSettingsSave.bind( this ) ); } if (typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup !== 'undefined') { jQuery( '.show-zoom-instructions' ).magnificPopup( { type: 'inline', midClick: true } ); } // Block settings. $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-zoom-setting-tab .bb-zoom-setting-tabs a', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-pro-tabs-list li', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Admin group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#s2s-account-id, #s2s-client-id, #s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '.postbox-container #bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleAdminGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); // Group wizard popup. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-secret-token-popup', this.updateGroupSecretToken.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .save-settings', this.submitGroupZoomWizard.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-cloned-input', this.copyInputData.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-main-input', this.copyMainInputData.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'load', function() { if ( '' !== window.location.hash ) { if ( 0 < $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).length && 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).trigger( 'click' ); window.location.hash = ''; } } }); }, switchedTab: function ( e ) { var $clickedTab = $( e.currentTarget ), tab_val = $clickedTab.data( 'value' ); $( 'input[name="bb-zoom-tab"]' ).val( tab_val ); }, toggleGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, bpStepsNavigate: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $( e.currentTarget ); if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav' ).length ) { target.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block' + target.attr( 'href' ) ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-actions' ).length ) { var activeBlock = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block.selected' ); var activeTab = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ); if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-prev' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-next' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); } } // Hide Next/Prev Buttons if first or last tab is active. var bpStepsLength = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li' ).length; if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === 0 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).show(); } if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === bpStepsLength - 1 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).addClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).removeClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).show(); } }, zoomSettingsSave: function( e ) { $( e.target ).addClass( 'loading' ); }, zoomInstructionNavigate: function( e ) { if ( $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions' ).length ) { if ( e.keyCode === 39 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-next:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else if ( e.keyCode === 37 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } }, fetchZoomAccounts: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#s2s-account-id' ).val(), client_id = $( '#s2s-client-id' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#s2s-client-secret' ).val(), $body = $( 'body' ), $account_field = $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email #account-email' ), group_id = 0; if ( $body.hasClass( 'groups' ) && $body.hasClass( 'zoom' ) ) { var is_wizard = ''; if ( 0 < $( e.target ).closest( '.bb-group-zoom-wizard-credentials' ).length ) { is_wizard = '-popup'; } group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); $account_field = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email' ); account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret' + is_wizard ).val(); } e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === account_id || '' === client_id || '' === client_secret ) { return false; } $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).addClass( 'loading' ); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_get_account_emails', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.fetch_account_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' && response.data.email_accounts ) { $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); $account_field.html( response.data.email_accounts ); var $wizard_account_email = ''; if ( 0 < group_id ) { $wizard_account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ); $wizard_account_email.html( response.data.email_accounts ); } if ( '' !== response.data.field_disabled ) { $account_field.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); } } else { $account_field.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); } } } } } ); }, toggleAdminGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, updateGroupSecretToken: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(), secret_token = target.val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === secret_token || '' === group_id ) { return false; } if ( bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_group_update_secret_token', secret_token: secret_token, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.update_secret_token_nonce }, success: function () {} } ); }, submitGroupZoomWizard: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup' ).val(), client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup' ).val(), account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ).val(), target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr.abort(); } target.addClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', 'none' ); bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_submit_group_zoom_credentials', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, account_email: account_email, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.submit_zoom_wizard_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { target.removeClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', '' ); if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' ) { if ( 'success' === response.data.type ) { // Enabled the group zoom and show fields. if ( ! $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).prop( 'checked', true ); $( '.bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } // Hide side-wide notice. $( '.group-zoom-sidewide-deprecated-notice' ).remove(); // Close wizard. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $.magnificPopup.close(); $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', '' ); } } if ( response.data.notice ) { $( '.bb-group-zoom-s2s-notice' ).html( response.data.notice ); } } } } ); }, copyInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, copyMainInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, }; // Launch BP Zoom. bp.Zoom_Common.start(); } )( bp, jQuery ); if(window.fb3dCreateInsertApp) { var $ = jQuery, instance = fb3dCreateInsertApp($('#'+FB3D_ADMIN_LOCALE.shortcodeGeneratorMountNode)[0], ''), text = $('#3dfb-shortcode-textarea'); instance.onUpdate = function() { text[0].value = instance.getShortCode(); }; text.on('input', function() { instance.setShortCode(text[0].value); }); } Home - Secure Document Services






We are Secure Document Services. We are a company dedicated to empowering consumers by offering document preparation. We are passionate about making the often intimidating and complex world of regulations and documentation approachable and accessible. Our documents, your results!



We provide a variety of approaches to find support in different areas of your life. Take full advantage of all the document preparation options we offer. Alleviate the stress of preparing documents, storing all mandatory information, and meeting deadlines. Allow us to take over this tiresome duty on a day-to-day basis. Our documents allow you to utilize laws and regulations to create the most effective documents to further assist you and get the results you desire!


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We specialize in working “hands-on” with our clients in a patient, professional manner to prepare accurate paperwork that allows you to challenge the validity of third party collection agencies to collect alleged debts.