/* jshint browser: true */ /* global bp, bpZoomMeetingCommonVars */ /* @version 1.0.0 */ window.bp = window.bp || {}; ( function( exports, $ ) { /** * [Zoom description] * * @type {Object} */ bp.Zoom_Common = { /** * [start description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ start: function () { this.setupGlobals(); // Listen to events ("Add hooks!"). this.addListeners(); }, /** * [setupGlobals description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ setupGlobals: function () { this.account_email_xhr = null; this.secret_token_xhr = null; this.credential_xhr = null; }, /** * [addListeners description] */ addListeners: function () { $( document ).on( 'change', '#bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-step-nav li > a, .bp-step-actions > span', this.bpStepsNavigate.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'keyup', this.zoomInstructionNavigate.bind( this ) ); if ( $( document ).find( '.bb-group-zoom-settings-container' ).length ) { $( document ).on( 'click', 'form#group-settings-form button.bb-save-settings', this.zoomSettingsSave.bind( this ) ); } if (typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup !== 'undefined') { jQuery( '.show-zoom-instructions' ).magnificPopup( { type: 'inline', midClick: true } ); } // Block settings. $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-zoom-setting-tab .bb-zoom-setting-tabs a', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-pro-tabs-list li', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Admin group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#s2s-account-id, #s2s-client-id, #s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '.postbox-container #bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleAdminGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); // Group wizard popup. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-secret-token-popup', this.updateGroupSecretToken.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .save-settings', this.submitGroupZoomWizard.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-cloned-input', this.copyInputData.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-main-input', this.copyMainInputData.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'load', function() { if ( '' !== window.location.hash ) { if ( 0 < $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).length && 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).trigger( 'click' ); window.location.hash = ''; } } }); }, switchedTab: function ( e ) { var $clickedTab = $( e.currentTarget ), tab_val = $clickedTab.data( 'value' ); $( 'input[name="bb-zoom-tab"]' ).val( tab_val ); }, toggleGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, bpStepsNavigate: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $( e.currentTarget ); if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav' ).length ) { target.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block' + target.attr( 'href' ) ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-actions' ).length ) { var activeBlock = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block.selected' ); var activeTab = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ); if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-prev' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-next' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); } } // Hide Next/Prev Buttons if first or last tab is active. var bpStepsLength = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li' ).length; if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === 0 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).show(); } if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === bpStepsLength - 1 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).addClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).removeClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).show(); } }, zoomSettingsSave: function( e ) { $( e.target ).addClass( 'loading' ); }, zoomInstructionNavigate: function( e ) { if ( $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions' ).length ) { if ( e.keyCode === 39 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-next:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else if ( e.keyCode === 37 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } }, fetchZoomAccounts: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#s2s-account-id' ).val(), client_id = $( '#s2s-client-id' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#s2s-client-secret' ).val(), $body = $( 'body' ), $account_field = $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email #account-email' ), group_id = 0; if ( $body.hasClass( 'groups' ) && $body.hasClass( 'zoom' ) ) { var is_wizard = ''; if ( 0 < $( e.target ).closest( '.bb-group-zoom-wizard-credentials' ).length ) { is_wizard = '-popup'; } group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); $account_field = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email' ); account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret' + is_wizard ).val(); } e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === account_id || '' === client_id || '' === client_secret ) { return false; } $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).addClass( 'loading' ); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_get_account_emails', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.fetch_account_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' && response.data.email_accounts ) { $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); $account_field.html( response.data.email_accounts ); var $wizard_account_email = ''; if ( 0 < group_id ) { $wizard_account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ); $wizard_account_email.html( response.data.email_accounts ); } if ( '' !== response.data.field_disabled ) { $account_field.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); } } else { $account_field.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); } } } } } ); }, toggleAdminGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, updateGroupSecretToken: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(), secret_token = target.val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === secret_token || '' === group_id ) { return false; } if ( bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_group_update_secret_token', secret_token: secret_token, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.update_secret_token_nonce }, success: function () {} } ); }, submitGroupZoomWizard: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup' ).val(), client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup' ).val(), account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ).val(), target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr.abort(); } target.addClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', 'none' ); bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_submit_group_zoom_credentials', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, account_email: account_email, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.submit_zoom_wizard_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { target.removeClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', '' ); if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' ) { if ( 'success' === response.data.type ) { // Enabled the group zoom and show fields. if ( ! $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).prop( 'checked', true ); $( '.bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } // Hide side-wide notice. $( '.group-zoom-sidewide-deprecated-notice' ).remove(); // Close wizard. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $.magnificPopup.close(); $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', '' ); } } if ( response.data.notice ) { $( '.bb-group-zoom-s2s-notice' ).html( response.data.notice ); } } } } ); }, copyInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, copyMainInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, }; // Launch BP Zoom. bp.Zoom_Common.start(); } )( bp, jQuery ); 1.0Secure Document Serviceshttps://securedocumentllc.comSecureDocumentServiceshttps://securedocumentllc.com/index.php/author/securedocumentservices/Homerich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="NgeiXMWoqw"><a href="https://securedocumentllc.com/">Home</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://securedocumentllc.com/embed/#?secret=NgeiXMWoqw" width="600" height="338" title="“Home” — Secure Document Services" data-secret="NgeiXMWoqw" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script> /*! 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