/* jshint browser: true */ /* global bp, bpZoomMeetingCommonVars */ /* @version 1.0.0 */ window.bp = window.bp || {}; ( function( exports, $ ) { /** * [Zoom description] * * @type {Object} */ bp.Zoom_Common = { /** * [start description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ start: function () { this.setupGlobals(); // Listen to events ("Add hooks!"). this.addListeners(); }, /** * [setupGlobals description] * * @return {[type]} [description] */ setupGlobals: function () { this.account_email_xhr = null; this.secret_token_xhr = null; this.credential_xhr = null; }, /** * [addListeners description] */ addListeners: function () { $( document ).on( 'change', '#bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-step-nav li > a, .bp-step-actions > span', this.bpStepsNavigate.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'keyup', this.zoomInstructionNavigate.bind( this ) ); if ( $( document ).find( '.bb-group-zoom-settings-container' ).length ) { $( document ).on( 'click', 'form#group-settings-form button.bb-save-settings', this.zoomSettingsSave.bind( this ) ); } if (typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup !== 'undefined') { jQuery( '.show-zoom-instructions' ).magnificPopup( { type: 'inline', midClick: true } ); } // Block settings. $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-zoom-setting-tab .bb-zoom-setting-tabs a', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bb-pro-tabs-list li', this.switchedTab.bind( this ) ); // Admin group zoom settings. $( document ).on( 'change', '#s2s-account-id, #s2s-client-id, #s2s-client-secret', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '.postbox-container #bp-edit-group-zoom', this.toggleAdminGroupSettings.bind( this ) ); // Group wizard popup. $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-secret-token-popup', this.updateGroupSecretToken.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup, #bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup', this.fetchZoomAccounts.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .save-settings', this.submitGroupZoomWizard.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-cloned-input', this.copyInputData.bind( this ) ); $( document ).on( 'keyup change', '.zoom-group-instructions-main-input', this.copyMainInputData.bind( this ) ); $( window ).on( 'load', function() { if ( '' !== window.location.hash ) { if ( 0 < $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).length && 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $( 'a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]' ).trigger( 'click' ); window.location.hash = ''; } } }); }, switchedTab: function ( e ) { var $clickedTab = $( e.currentTarget ), tab_val = $clickedTab.data( 'value' ); $( 'input[name="bb-zoom-tab"]' ).val( tab_val ); }, toggleGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( 'form[name="group-settings-form"] .bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, bpStepsNavigate: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $( e.currentTarget ); if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav' ).length ) { target.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block' + target.attr( 'href' ) ).addClass( 'selected' ).siblings().removeClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-actions' ).length ) { var activeBlock = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-block.selected' ); var activeTab = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ); if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-prev' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).prev().addClass( 'selected' ); } else if ( target.hasClass( 'bp-step-next' ) ) { activeBlock.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); activeTab.removeClass( 'selected' ).next().addClass( 'selected' ); } } // Hide Next/Prev Buttons if first or last tab is active. var bpStepsLength = target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li' ).length; if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === 0 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev' ).show(); } if ( target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).find( '.bp-step-nav li.selected' ).index() === bpStepsLength - 1 ) { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).addClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).hide(); } else { target.closest( '.bp-step-nav-main' ).removeClass( 'last-tab' ).find( '.bp-step-actions .bp-step-next' ).show(); } }, zoomSettingsSave: function( e ) { $( e.target ).addClass( 'loading' ); }, zoomInstructionNavigate: function( e ) { if ( $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions' ).length ) { if ( e.keyCode === 39 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-next:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } else if ( e.keyCode === 37 ) { $( '.bp-zoom-group-show-instructions .bp-step-actions .bp-step-prev:visible' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } }, fetchZoomAccounts: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#s2s-account-id' ).val(), client_id = $( '#s2s-client-id' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#s2s-client-secret' ).val(), $body = $( 'body' ), $account_field = $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email #account-email' ), group_id = 0; if ( $body.hasClass( 'groups' ) && $body.hasClass( 'zoom' ) ) { var is_wizard = ''; if ( 0 < $( e.target ).closest( '.bb-group-zoom-wizard-credentials' ).length ) { is_wizard = '-popup'; } group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); $account_field = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email' ); account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id' + is_wizard ).val(); client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret' + is_wizard ).val(); } e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === account_id || '' === client_id || '' === client_secret ) { return false; } $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).addClass( 'loading' ); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.account_email_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_get_account_emails', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.fetch_account_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' && response.data.email_accounts ) { $( document ).find( '.bb-zoom_account-email' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); $account_field.html( response.data.email_accounts ); var $wizard_account_email = ''; if ( 0 < group_id ) { $wizard_account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ); $wizard_account_email.html( response.data.email_accounts ); } if ( '' !== response.data.field_disabled ) { $account_field.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.addClass( response.data.field_disabled ); } } else { $account_field.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); if ( '' !== $wizard_account_email ) { $wizard_account_email.removeClass( 'is-disabled' ); } } } } } ); }, toggleAdminGroupSettings: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); if ( target.is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } else { $( '#bp-group-zoom-settings-connection-type, #bp-group-zoom-settings-additional' ).addClass( 'bp-hide' ); } }, updateGroupSecretToken: function( e ) { var target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(), secret_token = target.val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( '' === secret_token || '' === group_id ) { return false; } if ( bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr.abort(); } bp.Zoom_Common.secret_token_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_group_update_secret_token', secret_token: secret_token, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.update_secret_token_nonce }, success: function () {} } ); }, submitGroupZoomWizard: function ( e ) { var account_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-account-id-popup' ).val(), client_id = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-id-popup' ).val(), client_secret = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-client-secret-popup' ).val(), account_email = $( '#bb-group-zoom-s2s-api-email-popup' ).val(), target = $( e.target ), group_id = $( '#group-id' ).val(); e.preventDefault(); if ( bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr ) { bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr.abort(); } target.addClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', 'none' ); bp.Zoom_Common.credential_xhr = $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.ajax_url, data: { action: 'zoom_api_submit_group_zoom_credentials', account_id: account_id, client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret, account_email: account_email, group_id: group_id, _nonce: bpZoomMeetingCommonVars.submit_zoom_wizard_nonce }, success: function ( response ) { target.removeClass( 'loading' ).css( 'pointer-events', '' ); if ( typeof response.data !== 'undefined' ) { if ( 'success' === response.data.type ) { // Enabled the group zoom and show fields. if ( ! $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( '#bp-edit-group-zoom' ).prop( 'checked', true ); $( '.bb-zoom-setting-tab' ).removeClass( 'bp-hide' ); } // Hide side-wide notice. $( '.group-zoom-sidewide-deprecated-notice' ).remove(); // Close wizard. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof jQuery.fn.magnificPopup ) { $.magnificPopup.close(); $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', '' ); } } if ( response.data.notice ) { $( '.bb-group-zoom-s2s-notice' ).html( response.data.notice ); } } } } ); }, copyInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '-popup','' ) + ']' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, copyMainInputData: function( e ) { if ( 'SELECT' === $( e.currentTarget ).prop( 'tagName' ) ) { $( document ).find( 'select[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ).change(); } else { $( document ).find( 'input[name=' + $( e.currentTarget ).attr( 'name' ) + '-popup]' ).val( $( e.currentTarget ).val() ); } }, }; // Launch BP Zoom. bp.Zoom_Common.start(); } )( bp, jQuery ); if(window.fb3dCreateInsertApp) { var $ = jQuery, instance = fb3dCreateInsertApp($('#'+FB3D_ADMIN_LOCALE.shortcodeGeneratorMountNode)[0], ''), text = $('#3dfb-shortcode-textarea'); instance.onUpdate = function() { text[0].value = instance.getShortCode(); }; text.on('input', function() { instance.setShortCode(text[0].value); }); } Secure Document Services https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html Bejeweled 2 By Blueprint Gaming Slot Nachprüfung And Free Darbietung Play Now Recension Från Queenspins Casino Casino Extra Inte me Insättning Finna Sveriges Ultimat Casino Tillsammans Bästacasino Omedelbar Casinon Inte me Svensk Licens Tillsamman 5 Jämföra Bästa Casino Sidan Villig Nätet Hos Oss Kenoraden Onsdag 26 Oktober 2022 Direkt Casino Casinon Inte med Svensk Licens Med 5 Casino Minsta Insättning 10 Kry Casino Faktur Direkt Casino Gällande Inter Casino Bonus Inte me Insättningskrav & Omsättningskrav Casino Utan Omsättningskrav Ultimat Listan Maj 2024 Casinostugan Login Bonus 1000 Sund, 100 Spins Hur sa Befinner sig Det Som Skänke Den Mysiga Atmosfären Åt Casinostugan? 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